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April Fool’s Day : How do you celebrate April 1st in the world?

Rédigé par L'équipe Global Lingua | Mar 29, 2019 1:53:54 PM

Are you planning to make jokes on April 1st? The April Fool's tradition is particularly popular with the youngest, but did you know it was followed differently in many countries around the world? Here are some fun ways to celebrate April 1st in the world.

Where does April Fool’s Day come from?

Why was it decided to prank people on April 1st? It is difficult to find the true origin of the April Fool's paper fishes, and many hypotheses are discussed amongst historians.

Some think that the Poisson d'Avril comes from 16th century France, when King Charles IX decided that the year would start on January 1st and not on April 1st. This change of calendar would have disrupted many people, who continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1st. People began to offer false gifts and play tricks to make fun of the ones who had the calendar wrong.

Others believe that April Fool's could be linked to the opening and closing dates of the fishing season in some countries. To make a joke to fishermen, either because fishing would be too easy or on the contrary fruitless, they were offered herring. A funny habit developed and people decided to hook this herring to the clothes of the victims, who did not realize that until the smell of fish became too embarrassing...

Finally, April Fool’s Day could be related to the zodiac signs! But no matter its origin, the most important thing is to know how to celebrate it with humor and mischief.

April Fool’s Day in France

At the beginning of the 20th century, the April Fool's tradition was quite pleasant in France, since people sent each other postcards decorated with a beautiful fish. Gradually, the postcard has turned into a small paper fish, which children like to hang on the backs of their friends. But most often, we try to gobble false stories to others.

Even the media enjoy it, and some newspapers have fun spreading fake news! For example, in 2011, France Info announced that Kate Middleton and Prince William wanted to spend their honeymoon in Perigord. In 2017, RATP had fun modifying the names of some subway stations to make puns!

April 1st in the United States

April Fool's Day is also celebrated in the United States, where families, friends and coworkers make jokes. And of course, the media are having a great time! Beware of the information you could hear during April Fool's Day ...

In 2013, the US Army claimed to have enlisted cats among their soldiers, in order to take advantage of their exceptional olfactory and sensory abilities!

April Fool's Day in England

In England, you can make jokes for April Fool’s Day, but in the morning only! Indeed, the one who makes a hoax in the afternoon becomes himself the fool, or idiot. Note that in the Netherlands too, it is necessary to make the jokes in the morning, unless you want to have misfortune.

In 2013, the BBC declared that the writer William Shakespeare was actually French! The presenters claimed that his mother's maiden name, Arden, came from the Ardennes Forest in France. It would have been a blow for English literature!

April's Fish in Scotland

Ah, the Scots know how to have fun! Indeed, their April Fool’s Day is called Huntigowk Day (which comes from "hunt the gowk", or "pursue the idiot") and lasts for two days! Generally, they make jokes during the first day, then stick small paper tails on their friends back on the second day. It's a tradition to know if you go there to learn English.

1st of April in Greece

The Greeks seem to take April 1st more seriously than their European neighbors. In Greece, the person who manages to make someone believe a false story is guaranteed to be lucky for the coming year.

April 1st in Mexico

In Mexico, the equivalent of the April Fool's Day is taking place on December 28th! It is on this day that they celebrate "Día de los Santos Inocentes", or the day of the innocent saints. As in other countries, the media have fun spreading false stories.

There is also a tradition of lending money or an object of a friend, before asserting that one has the right to keep it. The little jokers then say: "You innocent little dove that let yourself be fooled."

April Fool's Day in Russia

In Russia, they celebrate the "day of the fools" (den dourakov), but the tradition cannot be celebrated in schools or workplaces. On the other hand, Russians usually gather to make processions in the street, disguising themselves and brandishing humorous slogans.

And you, how are you celebrating the first day of April? Do you like to browse the newspapers of the day to find weird and funny articles?