<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=478312482379988&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> Global Lingua | French courses for individuals and companies
TECFÉE preparation courses

Discover our courses for the preparation of the TECFÉE, or Test de Certification en Français Écrit pour l'Enseignement.

AP French exam preparation courses

The AP French Language and Culture Exam will test your French skills and ability to apply communication and language skills developed during French courses.

SLE Preparation for Federal Government and Public Service

Are you looking to learn French for the Second Language Evaluation of the Public Service? Discover our exam preparation courses for public service and get ready for the SLE.

You're a federal government employee, and you need to improve your French level before taking government tests? Global Lingua can help you prepare for the Second Language Evaluation of the Public Service Commission of Canada.

Written French courses

Discover our program of written French courses and writing courses. Perfect to improve your writing skills and write better emails, work presentations, French content...

TEFAQ preparation courses

Discover our preparation courses for the French Evaluation Test for Quebec (TEFAQ). Take our specialized French courses in order to easily pass the TEFAQ exam.

OQLF French exam preparation courses

Discover our exam preparation courses for the OQLF French exam. Be prepared when you take take the exam of the Office québécois de la langue française.

Take our evaluation test online for free

Take our evaluation test online to assess your level and choose the most suitable courses.

Start now your free evaluation
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